
NOSH Chronic Care Unit COVID-19 Outbreak Announcements

April 13, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team (MFHT) and the North of Superior Healthcare Group (NOSH) are reporting zero (0) new cases of COVID-19 in Marathon.
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit confirmed the resolution of one (1) more case in our community, bringing our active cases down to three (3).
We are also pleased to announce that, as of 7:00pm tonight, the facility-wide outbreak at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital is officially declared over.
NOSH is extremely grateful to the physicians, healthcare workers and staff who worked tirelessly to manage the outbreak and to continue to provide quality, compassionate care to our patients. We would also like to thank our patients and their caregivers for their support, trust and patience as we navigated through the outbreak.
To everyone in the community who has sent us well wishes and messages of support over the last few weeks, thank you! Your support helped the NOSH staff and patients stay positive throughout these challenging times.
Last but not least, we would like to recognize the Thunder Bay District Health Unit for their guidance and assistance over the last few weeks.
“While today we celebrate the incredible efforts of our staff and physicians, support from our community and the resiliency of our patients, we should also pause and remember the loss of three of our community members to COVID”, says Adam Brown, NOSH CEO.
Your healthcare team would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of the seriousness of COVID-19 and to encourage you to continue taking necessary precautions as we work on immunizing our population.

April 7, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team and the North of Superior Healthcare Group are reporting three new positive cases of COVID-19 in Marathon.
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit confirmed the resolution of six cases in our community, which includes all inpatient cases at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital.
There are now seven active cases in Marathon. Three of the cases are NOSH employees and four are community members.

April 6, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team (MFHT) and the North of Superior Healthcare Group (NOSH) are very saddened to report a third death related to COVID-19 in Marathon. The individual acquired the virus in the hospital and passed away at home after being discharged. Out of respect during this difficult time, no other information will be provided.
The MFHT and NOSH offer their deepest condolences to everyone affected by this loss, especially to the individual’s family and friends.
As of April 6th, zero (0) new positive cases have been identified and six (6) cases have been deemed resolved by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. There are now 10 active cases of COVID-19 in Marathon.

March 31, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team (MFHT) and the North of Superior Healthcare Group (NOSH) are regrettably reporting a second COVID-19-related death in Marathon. The individual was a Chronic Care resident at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital. The MFHT and NOSH are offering their sincere condolences to the family, friends are caregivers affected by this loss. Out of respect during this difficult time, no further details will be provided.
As of March 31st, six new positive cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Marathon and one case has been deemed resolved by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. Two of the new positive cases were acquired in the community and are not associated with the NOSH outbreak. This suggests community transmission of the virus and highlights the importance of continuing to follow public health advice.
Very in-depth contact tracing and surveillance swabbing are continuing and may result in additional case detection in the coming days. Let’s work together and keep doing our best to prevent the further spread of the virus in our communities.

March 29, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team and the North of Superior Healthcare Group are reporting 2 new positive cases of COVID-19 in Marathon. Both cases are associated with the outbreak at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital.
The hospital continues to take all appropriate steps, including working closely with public health, to manage the outbreak and to decrease the risk of further spread of the virus within their facility and our communities.

March 28, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team and the North of Superior Healthcare Group are reporting one new positive case of COVID-19 in Marathon. The confirmed case is associated with the outbreak at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital.
One case has been deemed resolved by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit.

March 26, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team and the North of Superior Healthcare Group are reporting 3 new positive cases of COVID-19 in Marathon. One individual is a Chronic Care patient and the other two individuals are inpatients receiving acute care at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital.
Since two separate units at the hospital are now affected by COVID-19, a facility-wide outbreak has been declared.
The hospital continues to take all appropriate steps, including working closely with public health, to manage the outbreak and to decrease the risk of further spread of the virus within their facility and our communities.

March 24, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team and the North of Superior Healthcare Group are reporting 3 new positive cases of COVID-19 in Marathon.
Four cases have been deemed resolved by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit (2 outbreak-related cases and 2 community cases).
There are currently 8 active cases in the community and 7 of them are associated with the Chronic Care outbreak at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital.

March 23, 2021 - The Marathon Family Health Team and the North of Superior Healthcare group are reporting two (2) new positive case of COVID-19 in Marathon.

March 22, 2021 – It is with great sadness that the Marathon Family Health Team (MFHT) and the North or Superior Healthcare Group (NOSH) are reporting a COVID-19-related death in Marathon. The individual was a Chronic Care resident at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital. Out of respect in this difficult time, no further details will be provided.

The MFHT and NOSH offers our deepest condolences to the individual’s family and friends. “This is a very sad day for all of us at NOSH and especially for the loved ones of the individual who passed away. Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by this loss”, says Adam Brown, NOSH CEO. “Our hospital continues to take strong measures to protect our patients, our healthcare workers and our communities. Please continue to be safe and kind to each other as we get through this”.

We recognize that this news is difficult for all to hear. The loss of a community member is hard, especially under these circumstances. The MFHT and NOSH encourage our patients and community members to check-in, reach out and support one another, while following public health advice, as they live through this loss.

This unfortunately highlights the reality of COVID-19 and the need for everyone to take this virus seriously. Recognizing that many are at higher risk of serious illness or death from the virus, we urge everyone to continue doing everything they can to prevent its spread, including staying home as much as possible, limiting close contact with others, avoiding travel outside of our communities and following other safety measures.

We are in this together.

March 16, 2021 – The Marathon Family Health Team (MFHT) and the North of Superior Healthcare (NOSH) group are reporting one (1) new positive case of COVID-19 in Marathon.

The individual who tested positive is a Chronic Care resident at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital. Currently, there are three (3) individuals that have been affected by the outbreak in the hospital’s Chronic Care unit, one employee and two residents.

The residents who have tested positive are currently in isolation and being monitored for symptoms. All other residents have been tested and will continue to receive surveillance testing every 3 to 5 days, as will the staff who work in the Chronic Care unit.

Contact tracing is currently being done by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. If you are a high risk close contact, the TBDHU will contact you. If you are deemed a high risk contact and require testing, the public health liaison that you speak with will help you to figure out what day is the best day for you to be tested to get the most accurate results.

NOSH has taken actions to ensure the safety of all employees, physicians and learners, patients and essential care partners. Prior to the outbreak, significant measures were already in place at NOSH to reduce likelihood of transmission of the virus within the hospital. Additional precautions have been implemented to comply with provincial outbreak guidelines, including restricting visitation to some essential care partners and expanding infection control measures.

Adam Brown, NOSH CEO, says “I want to assure our patients that the hospital remains a safe place to receive care. The NOSH team has been working very hard to manage the outbreak and minimize any risk of transmission in our facility and in our communities.”

The MFHT and NOSH will keep our communities informed regarding the outbreak and its potential impact on the programs and services offered at the hospital.  

March 13, 2021 – The Marathon Family Health Team and the North of Superior Healthcare Group (NOSH) are reporting that an outbreak has been declared in the Chronic Care unit at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital in Marathon.

A COVID-19 outbreak is declared in a hospital setting when two confirmed positive cases are connected. Earlier this week, a NOSH employee tested positive for COVID-19. Today, a resident in the Chronic Care unit also tested positive for the virus.

The individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 are currently in self-isolation. All chronic and acute care patients are also being kept in their rooms to limit their contact with others and to reduce the risk of virus transmission.

NOSH update

To help contain any further spread of the virus, NOSH will be on lockdown until further notice. In adherence with provincial outbreak measures, NOSH will also be implementing outbreak management measures, including increased infection prevention and control practices and surveillance testing for affected individuals.

All chronic and acute care patients, along with NOSH staff who work in the Chronic Care unit, will be closely monitored for symptoms and will undergo surveillance swabs every three to five days. To help keep patients, residents and staff safe, crossover between hospital departments will be limited and stringent PPE (personal protective equipment) protocols will be followed. Visitation will also be restricted to all visitors, with the exception of essential care partners of patients who are receiving palliative and obstetrical care.

In the following days, some departments at NOSH may be impacted due to employee testing and self-isolation requirements. Patients will be contacted if there are any changes to their scheduled appointments.

NOSH will be working closely with the Thunder Bay District Health Unit to manage the outbreak and to protect their patients and staff.