The Meals-on-Wheels program provides nourishing meals at a reasonable cost in order to help people remain in, or return to, their own homes, thus maintaining their independence in the community.
Meals-on-Wheels is set-up for individuals who are unable to prepare adequate and nourishing meals on a day-to-day basis and who have nobody else in the household to do this.
The meals are prepared according to the individual's diet requirements (special needs as well as "reasonable" preferences). Each meal includes a soup, main plate (protein, starch, vegetables), and dessert.
Terrace Bay/Schreiber
For more information call 807-825-3273, ext. 236 between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Contact Lorelle Sgro, Community Services Manager at 807-229-1740 Ext. 278.