NOSH Staff Vaccination Press Release


The North of Superior Healthcare Group (NOSH) is very pleased today, to report an exceptional COVID-19 vaccination rate among its staff of 96%.

The 200 dedicated staff at NOSH provide high quality health and social services to the North of Superior area.  Through our hospitals in Terrace Bay and Marathon, as well as our Wilkes Terrace Long Term Care facility and Peninsula Manor Seniors Supportive Living facility, we care for some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. It is very important for our organization that our patients, visitors and community members know that we are taking all necessary precautions to keep them and their loved ones safe, and that includes encouraging our staff to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

As per the Directive 3 and Directive 6 mandates from the Ministry of Long-Term Care and Ministry of Health, all NOSH staff who have not yet been vaccinated will receive education on the COVID-19 vaccines to ensure they are fully informed. They will also undergo frequent COVID-19 surveillance testing.

For further information about NOSH, we invite you to browse our website at or follow us on Facebook (@northofsuperiorhealthcare) and Instagram (@northofsuperiorhealthcare)


“NOSH staff should be commended for their commitment to ensuring the safety of themselves, colleagues, families and the patients, residents and tenants that they care for every day.  COVID-19 vaccines have been rigorously studied and reviewed and are a critical step on our path to return to normalcy.”, said Adam Brown, CEO.

