Visitez le site Web du gouvernement de l'Ontario pour savoir quoi faire si vous avez été exposé à la COVID-19
NOSH Mises à jour
March 31, 2023 - NOSH updated COVID-19 Screening Process.
March 31, 2023 - Closure of assessment centres. (Marathon & Terrace Bay)
November 30, 2022 - The McCausland Hospital COVID-19 Outbreak Declared.
September 23, 2022 - The Wilson Memorial General Hospital Outbreak has been declared over.
September 6, 2022 - Wilson Memorial General Hospital Outbreak Declared.
August 4, 2022 - The McCausland Hospital (including Wilkes Terrace Long Term Care) Outbreak has been declared over.
July 25, 2022 - The outbreak declared at Wilkes Terrace Long Term Care has been expanded to a site wide COVID-19 outbreak that included the chronic care and acute care wings.
July 20, 2022 - Wilkes Terrace Long Term Care Outbreak Declared.
July 5, 2022 - The McCausland Hospital Outbreak Declared OVER as of July 4th.
June 27, 2022 - The McCausland Hospital Outbreak Declared.
June 9, 2022 - Patients and Visitors of the North of Superior Healthcare Group facilities (including Wilkes Terrace LTC, The McCausland Hospital, Peninsula Manor Supportive Housing and Wilson Memorial General Hospital) are advised that the current masking requirement will remain in place past the June 11th provincial deadline for hospitals.
March 25, 2022 - Peninsula Manor is reporting no new cases to the initial 3 that were previously reported on March 21, 2022. The 3 cases are included in this week’s total number of positive cases.
March 21st: Peninsula Manor COVID-19 Outbreak Declared.
March 15th: With the loosening of restrictions throughout the Province, NOSH is committed to ensuring the safety of our patients, staff, volunteers and visitors. Click here for a recap of the current COVID-19 protocols that are in place.
Please note that an ECP is defined as individuals who assist with the personal/ emotional care needs of a patient/resident and whose absence would create healthcare concerns for the patient and or resident. All ECPs must be approved by the CNO or designate.
January 2nd: Significant COVID-19 Transmission in Terrace Bay and Schreiber
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
For more information on the vaccines and how to book your appointment:
Click Here
Latest Updates on Positive Cases in our Community
To help prevent the risk or spread of COVID-19, visitation has some restrictions. Masking inside of all NOSH buildings is still required.
Please note, the ability to allow visitors will be determined on a day to day basis and NOSH reserves the right to remove visitation privileges if an outbreak occurs or community spread is identified. Any visitors entering the facility will be screened as per protocol. Anyone entering any of the NOSH facilities is required to wear a mask at all times.
For more information or if you have any questions, please email
Visiting Hours:
Sunday - Saturday : 11am - 8pm
Some exceptions for visiting outside of these hours may be allowed with approval from management.
General visitation for all individuals.
Visiting Hours:
Sunday - Saturday : 11am - 8pm
Some exceptions for visiting outside of these hours may be allowed with approval from management.
Indoor Visitation
Visits are permitted as follows, subject to direction from the local public health unit:
- The visitor may visit a home, with no restrictions in frequency when Wilkes Terrace is not in an outbreak.
If the resident is self-isolating or symptomatic, a maximum of 1 caregiver per resident may visit at a time.
- Where Wilkes Terrace is in an outbreak
- a maximum of 1 caregiver per resident may visit at a time.
A caregiver is the only Essential Visitor allowed visiting during an outbreak.
Outdoor Visitation
General visitation is allowed to resume outdoors but visitors are reminded that they:
- Must wear a surgical mask at all times
- Should ensure physical distancing (a minimum of two meters or six feet) is maintained between groups
- Are advised to not come in larger groups in order to accommodate residents who wish to be in the court yard.
- All visitors need to conduct a passive screening questionnaire as well as:
- Must wear a surgical mask over mouth and nose. Visitors may take of their mask off when in the room with the resident in a one-on-one situation. We will provide a designated room depending on availability.
- Comply with our home's infection, prevention and control (IPAC) protocols, including proper use of masks and hand hygiene.
- Non-compliance with these rules will result in the discontinuation of the visit
View current screening protocols
COVID-19 Education for Long-Term Care (LTC) Visitors:
Family Members and Caregivers Public Health Training for LTC
We will be working hard to try to protect our staff so that they are able to continue to care for the community - your friends, your neighbours, your family. Please help us to do that by being patient with the screening questions, answering honestly and following instructions.
If you believe you have symptoms of the 2019 novel Coronavirus:
If you think you have coronovirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, click here to take the self-assessment to help you to determine how to seek further care.
- Call Telehealth Ontario for medical advice at 1-866-797-0000 or contact the Thunder Bay District Health Unit at 625-5900 and ask to speak to a public health nurse in the Infectious Disease program;
- If you need immediate medical attention, call 911 and mention your symptoms and travel history.
COVID-19 Assessment Centers
Marathon - Marathon Family Health Team
This assessment centre is CLOSED as of Friday, March 31, 2023. If you are concerned that you may have COVID-19, please call the MFHT at 229-3243, or the local Public Health Unit at 825-7770. They will ask you questions over the telephone to determine if you should be tested. If you require a test, an appointment will be made for you by your family doctor or Public Health and they will provide you with further instructions.
Terrace Bay and Schreiber - The McCausland Hospital
This assessment centre is CLOSED as of Friday, March 31, 2023. If you are concerned that you may have COVID-19, please call your family doctor, or the local Public Health Unit at 825-7770. They will ask you questions over the telephone to determine if you should be tested. If you require a test, an appointment will be made for you by your family doctor or Public Health and they will provide you with further instruction.
Further Information
For more detailed information on the status of the virus and risk to Ontarians, please visit the Thunder Bay District Health Unit , Ontario Ministry of Health website and/or the Public Health Agency of Canada website.
Information on self-isolation can be found here: Public Health: How to Self Isolate
Mental Health: North of Superior Counselling Program
More information regarding your municipality and any of their facility closures, can be found here: Biigtigong Nishnaabeg ; Pic Mobert ; Town of Marathon ; Town of Schreiber ; Town of Terrace Bay
For more information on different ways to shop and seniors hours: Sirard's Your Independent Grocer - Marathon ; IDA Pharmacy - Marathon ; Costa's Foods Ltd. - Terrace Bay / Screiber ; Stewarts Pharmacy - Terrace Bay